Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maternity Shots - The Things You Must Know if YOU are the Model ! :)

A Maternity Session is most beneficial after your six month of pregnancy, it is then that we can truly see the belly "pop out". You may or may not feel like getting pictures taken, but trust me, you'll be thankful later on.

Unfortunately, I didn't take as many "belly" shots as I would have liked during my pregnancies, my husband is not behind the camera very much, he'd rather "go shopping" then to take pictures, at least going shopping there's always the possibility of him purchasing a PS3 or XBOS360 game or something! *LOL* I'm not blaming him but rather that I wish I would have taken more. I'll see if I can find some images and post them here.

Anyway, if you are wanting to get some pregnancy shots, here are a few things to consider and do for your photographer:

1. Do not wear anything too tight for at least 2 hrs before the photoshoot...tight fitting pants may leave unwanted marks around your belly. Save your photographer the editing "photoshopping" time so that he/she can focus on enhancing your photos other then fixing them :).

2. Bring several different tops (such as white buttoned up blouse, a form-fitting top to enhance your belly, etc).

3. Do you have little baby booties, an ultrasound picture, or even better yet the "food" you crave? Your photographer can creatively integrate those things into your photos!

4. Also, do not be too bashful...often times, the best pictures are created by being free spirited... there's nothing more natural and beautiful then a woman caring a child and creating life! I have yet to hear someone say "Oh my, why isn't she dressed more" but rather I'll hear, "Oh look how beautiful you are!".

I'm sure there's plenty more to add to the list...if you have recently done a maternity session yourself and would like to add suggestions, please feel free to do so by posting a comment!

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